Happy saturday alls... Sooo sorry to all yg tgh menunggu wedding updates, i bukan xnak post, actually da draft byk da cuma pics je xde..tgh korek2 from FB and tgh tunggu from family. bleh jer kalau nak post tapi u all nak ke bace entry wifout any pictures?? xnak kan..xtau xpe..haha..
Okeh lah, supaya my blog xnmpak sepi dgn bunyik angin n krikik krikik..i share ngan korang tips n ideas nie..voley? I found it when i was pinning@pinterest ( ->add me!), serious menarik gilers so i saved it to share them wif u guys...mentang2 dah jadik isteri orang kannn...haruslah yer.. ;p
Why didn’t I think of that?! We guarantee you’ll be uttering those words more than once at these ingenious little tips, tricks and ideas that solve everyday problems … some you never knew you had! (Above: hull strawberries easily using a straw)..
Remove crayon masterpieces from your TV or computer screen with WD40 (also works on walls).
Stop cut apples browning in your child’s lunch box by securing with a rubber band.
Overhaul your linen cupboard – store bedlinen sets inside one of their own pillowcases and there will be no more hunting through piles for a match.
Pump up the volume by placing your iPhone / iPod in a bowl – the concave shape amplifies the music.
Re-use a wet-wipes container to store plastic bags.
Add this item to your beach bag. Baby powder gets sand off your skin easily – who knew?!
Attach a velcro strip to the wall to store soft toys.
Look up! Use wire to make a space to store gift wrap rolls against the ceiling, rather than cluttering up the floor.
Gotcha! Find tiny lost items like earrings by putting a stocking over the vacuum hose.
Make an instant cupcake carrier by cutting crosses into a box lid.
Forever losing your bathroom essentials? Use magnetic strips to store bobby pins (and tweezers and clippers) behind a vanity door
A tip for holiday packing. Store shoes inside shower caps to stop dirty soles rubbing on your clothes. And you can find them in just about every hotel!
A muffin pan becomes a craft caddy. Magnets hold the plastic cups down to make them tip-resistant.
Bread tags make the perfect-sized cord labels.
Bake cupcakes directly in ice-cream cones – so much more fun and easier for kids to eat. Definitely doing this!
Microwave your own popcorn in a plain brown paper bag. Much healthier and cheaper than the packet stuff.
Brilliant space-saver: install a tension rod to hang your spray bottles. Genius!
Win friends at breakfast with this heart-shaped egg tutorial. Aww shucks!
Turn your muffin pan upside down, bake cookie-dough over the top and voila – you have cookie bowls for fruit or ice-cream. Click here for rechpe.
Freeze Aloe Vera in ice-cube trays for soothing sunburn relief.
Oops, ada lagiiii... ;) hehe.....
Got an empty kitchen shelf? Feeling handy? Cut holes in a the bottom shelf and countersink dog food bowls for a cute and out-of-the-way dog feeding station.
Wall mount cutlery trays and add a cup hook in each compartment for brilliant jewelery storage. Get the instructions at Mini Manor.
Avoid messy dresser drawers by “filing” your clothing side-by-side instead of stacking items on top of each other. See the before and after at Apartment Therapy.
Has putting Toy Story on constant repeat finally taken its toll? Remove scratches from your favourite DVDs with a few household items, including peanut butter and toothpaste!
Packing tip: Protect breakables such as wine bottles or food containers with children’s inflatable floaties.
Rather than bundling them in your drawer, loop tights over a coathanger and store them in your wardrobe. Particularly pretty if you have a rainbow legwear collection like Jessica at What I Wore.
Pre-bake your cakes and keep them fresh overnight by placing a slice of bread on top. In the morning your bread will be hard as a rock but the cake will remain moist, ready to ice. We have no idea how it works but Bree from Bake Bree swears by it! (Hot tip: check out her chocolate peanut butter cake while you’re there. OMG!)
Grab a craft knife and recycle your large plastic milk bottles in to pencil holders. Extra points if you go all OCD and file them by colour.
Attach a strip of velcro to your tea towel, loop over your oven door handle and join the ends – voila, a non-slip dish towel!
You need to find a use for those wire CD racks now that no one buys CDs anymore. Re-purpose them to hold your Tupperware lids.
For upholstery stain removal, whip it good! Apartment Therapy says, “Fill a container with half dish detergent, half water, and use a hand mixer to whip it up. Use a rag to rub the froth into the spot, and then rinse with water.”
Use a peg board and hooks wall mounted in your pantry for a super organised cookie cutter wall! See how Annie did it here at Annie’s Eats.

This clever idea is part of a pantry makeover by Pamela at PB&J Stories. Check out the full project here.
Here’s a pro tip for mid-week meals. Prepare all the ingredients for multiple slow cooker meals at once, then dump them in to bags and freeze. When you’re ready to cook, simply take a bag out, throw the ingredients in to the cooker and turn it on. When you come home from work, dinner is waiting. Find recipes and details at Mama and Baby Love.
This is called the “clown car” or “bundled” packing method, which involves layering and wrapping clothes around each other instead of the usual method of folding and stacking. It’s a little hard to describe in words, so watch the video to get the idea, or check out this diagram.
Put magnets inside a pen and stick it to the fridge and you’ll always have a pen handy. Unscrew the end of your pen, trim the ink straw a little with scissors and put a few small disc magnets inside.
So apparently, you don’t really need all those scented plug-ins, sprays, or automatic dispensers that look like space ships. This recipe couldn’t be easier. It’s just baking soda, with around 8 drops of your favourite essential oil. Give it a shake every now and then to refresh the scent.
Hang a shoe organiser over your pantry or kichen door and fill it with cooking utensils and supplies that you use every day.
Take to your grout with an electric toothbrush and some baking soda to cut through the soap scum (and the elbow grease).
Avoid wrestling with plastic wrap or cling film by using shower caps instead. The elastic conforms to the shape of your container and they’re reusable too.
It seems whatever way I pack my jewellery, it’s always a mess when I get to my destination. Until now! Stop necklaces from forming knots by undoing the clasp, threading a straw through and re-clasping. So clever! Just remember to take the straw off before you wear it …

If your precious iPhone takes an unexpected swim, all is not lost. Lots of people have had success in reviving their waterlogged tech gadgets with rice. Turn your phone off, take out the SIM card and place in a bag or bowl of rice for 48-72 hours. Check out video instructions here. Good luck!
Place mince meat in a large ziploc bag and flatten out evenly. Separate in to portions using a chopstick or skewer and then freeze. When it’s time to defrost, you can simply break off the amount you need and put the rest back in the freezer.
Using a knife and a spoon, here’s how to peel your kiwi fruit without a morsel wasted. Check out the video for instructions.
Happy saturday alls... Sooo sorry to all yg tgh menunggu wedding updates, i bukan xnak post, actually da draft byk da cuma pics je xde..tgh korek2 from FB and tgh tunggu from family. bleh jer kalau nak post tapi u all nak ke bace entry wifout any pictures?? xnak kan..xtau xpe..haha..
Okeh lah, supaya my blog xnmpak sepi dgn bunyik angin n krikik krikik..i share ngan korang tips n ideas nie..voley? I found it when i was pinning@pinterest ( ->add me!), serious menarik gilers so i saved it to share them wif u guys...mentang2 dah jadik isteri orang kannn...haruslah yer.. ;p
Why didn’t I think of that?! We guarantee you’ll be uttering those words more than once at these ingenious little tips, tricks and ideas that solve everyday problems … some you never knew you had! (Above: hull strawberries easily using a straw)..
Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes.
Remove crayon masterpieces from your TV or computer screen with WD40 (also works on walls)..
Stop cut apples browning in your child’s lunch box by securing with a rubber band..
Overhaul your linen cupboard – store bedlinen sets inside one of their own pillowcases and there will be no more hunting through piles for a match..
Pump up the volume by placing your iPhone / iPod in a bowl – the concave shape amplifies the music..
Re-use a wet-wipes container to store plastic bags..
Add this item to your beach bag. Baby powder gets sand off your skin easily – who knew?!.
Attach a velcro strip to the wall to store soft toys..
Look up! Use wire to make a space to store gift wrap rolls against the ceiling, rather than cluttering up the floor..
Gotcha! Find tiny lost items like earrings by putting a stocking over the vacuum hose..
Make an instant cupcake carrier by cutting crosses into a box lid..
For those who can’t stand the scrunching and bunching: how to perfectly fold a fitted sheet..
Forever losing your bathroom essentials? Use magnetic strips to store bobby pins (and tweezers and clippers) behind a vanity door.
A tip for holiday packing. Store shoes inside shower caps to stop dirty soles rubbing on your clothes. And you can find them in just about every hotel!.
A muffin pan becomes a craft caddy. Magnets hold the plastic cups down to make them tip-resistant..
Bread tags make the perfect-sized cord labels..
Bake cupcakes directly in ice-cream cones – so much more fun and easier for kids to eat. Definitely doing this!.
Microwave your own popcorn in a plain brown paper bag. Much healthier and cheaper than the packet stuff..
Brilliant space-saver: install a tension rod to hang your spray bottles. Genius!.
Win friends at breakfast with this heart-shaped egg tutorial. Aww shucks!.
Turn your muffin pan upside down, bake cookie-dough over the top and voila – you have cookie bowls for fruit or ice-cream. Click here for rechpe..
Freeze Aloe Vera in ice-cube trays for soothing sunburn relief..
Gutter garden: Create a window-box veggie patch using guttering..
Use egg cartons to separate and store your Christmas decorations.
Oops, ada lagiiii... ;) hehe.....
1. DIY pet feeding station
Got an empty kitchen shelf? Feeling handy? Cut holes in a the bottom shelf and countersink dog food bowls for a cute and out-of-the-way dog feeding station..
2. Mount cutlery drawers for jewellery
Wall mount cutlery trays and add a cup hook in each compartment for brilliant jewelery storage. Get the instructions at Mini Manor..
3. “File” your clothes
Avoid messy dresser drawers by “filing” your clothing side-by-side instead of stacking items on top of each other. See the before and after at Apartment Therapy..
4. Remove scratches from a DVD
Has putting Toy Story on constant repeat finally taken its toll? Remove scratches from your favourite DVDs with a few household items, including peanut butter and toothpaste!
5. Protect breakables with kids’ floaties
Packing tip: Protect breakables such as wine bottles or food containers with children’s inflatable floaties..
6. Organise your tights
Rather than bundling them in your drawer, loop tights over a coathanger and store them in your wardrobe. Particularly pretty if you have a rainbow legwear collection like Jessica at What I Wore..
7. Keep cakes fresh with bread
Pre-bake your cakes and keep them fresh overnight by placing a slice of bread on top. In the morning your bread will be hard as a rock but the cake will remain moist, ready to ice. We have no idea how it works but Bree from Bake Bree swears by it! (Hot tip: check out her chocolate peanut butter cake while you’re there. OMG!).
8. Use milk bottles for pencil storage
Grab a craft knife and recycle your large plastic milk bottles in to pencil holders. Extra points if you go all OCD and file them by colour..
9. Make a non-slip dish cloth
Attach a strip of velcro to your tea towel, loop over your oven door handle and join the ends – voila, a non-slip dish towel!.
10. Organise Tupperware with CD racks
You need to find a use for those wire CD racks now that no one buys CDs anymore. Re-purpose them to hold your Tupperware lids..
11. “Whipped” detergent stain removal
For upholstery stain removal, whip it good! Apartment Therapy says, “Fill a container with half dish detergent, half water, and use a hand mixer to whip it up. Use a rag to rub the froth into the spot, and then rinse with water.”.
12. Store cookie cutters on the wall
Use a peg board and hooks wall mounted in your pantry for a super organised cookie cutter wall! See how Annie did it here at Annie’s Eats..
13. Iron clothes with a hair straightener

Touch up your ironing job with a hair straighter. It’s great for getting in between buttons and smoothing our minor wrinkles when you don’t have time get your ironing board out. Go for a model with adjustable heat, set it low, and make sure there’s no residue hair product on the straightener first..
14. Keep cans in a magazine file
This clever idea is part of a pantry makeover by Pamela at PB&J Stories. Check out the full project here..
15. Cook while you’re not home
Here’s a pro tip for mid-week meals. Prepare all the ingredients for multiple slow cooker meals at once, then dump them in to bags and freeze. When you’re ready to cook, simply take a bag out, throw the ingredients in to the cooker and turn it on. When you come home from work, dinner is waiting. Find recipes and details at Mama and Baby Love..
16. Pack like a pro
This is called the “clown car” or “bundled” packing method, which involves layering and wrapping clothes around each other instead of the usual method of folding and stacking. It’s a little hard to describe in words, so watch the video to get the idea, or check out this diagram.
17. Never lose your pen
Put magnets inside a pen and stick it to the fridge and you’ll always have a pen handy. Unscrew the end of your pen, trim the ink straw a little with scissors and put a few small disc magnets inside..
18. Make your own air freshener

So apparently, you don’t really need all those scented plug-ins, sprays, or automatic dispensers that look like space ships. This recipe couldn’t be easier. It’s just baking soda, with around 8 drops of your favourite essential oil. Give it a shake every now and then to refresh the scent.
19. Create extra kitchen storage
Hang a shoe organiser over your pantry or kichen door and fill it with cooking utensils and supplies that you use every day..
20. Clean grout with an electric toothbrush
Take to your grout with an electric toothbrush and some baking soda to cut through the soap scum (and the elbow grease)..
21. Use shower caps as food covers
Avoid wrestling with plastic wrap or cling film by using shower caps instead. The elastic conforms to the shape of your container and they’re reusable too..
22. Prevent necklaces tangling
It seems whatever way I pack my jewellery, it’s always a mess when I get to my destination. Until now! Stop necklaces from forming knots by undoing the clasp, threading a straw through and re-clasping. So clever! Just remember to take the straw off before you wear it ….
23. Dry waterlogged gadgets with rice

If your precious iPhone takes an unexpected swim, all is not lost. Lots of people have had success in reviving their waterlogged tech gadgets with rice. Turn your phone off, take out the SIM card and place in a bag or bowl of rice for 48-72 hours. Check out video instructions here. Good luck!
24. Portion mince meat before freezing
Place mince meat in a large ziploc bag and flatten out evenly. Separate in to portions using a chopstick or skewer and then freeze. When it’s time to defrost, you can simply break off the amount you need and put the rest back in the freezer..
25. Perfectly peel a kiwi fruit
Using a knife and a spoon, here’s how to peel your kiwi fruit without a morsel wasted. Check out the video for instructions.Okay that's all for today..thanks for watching.hehehee.. daaaa~