Salam friday my sweethearts..
Today nothing much to say, just nak share what i feel inside right now.. which is.. NAK KAWEN LAGI VOLEY? heheheeee... although a month passed, but seriously masih terngiang2 perasaan before+during+after wedding tu... sumer perasaan ada..hahahaa ;p bridezilla pun ada tp mcm xlarat..hahaa.. tu blum honeymoon punye feeling lagi, hahahahaaaa..hephepp ;p
One of the things i like is, getting to know my vendors... rase mcm best bila kite jumpa, work together, chitchat, lawak feels great.. i love that feeling.. lagi best bila dorang kenal i (from blog), andddd laaaaagi best bila kita rasa duit yg kita keluar tu sgt worth it.. kan?kankan??
Ok tu jer sebenarnya yg nak share.. ;p heheee.. i found this pic kat blog b2b
fatin, xprasan plak wujud pic ni.. must the pics snapped by my vendor herself before me+hubby bergerak to the hall.. thank you kak awin for making me beautiful..! and thank you for ur effort menjayakan hairstyle yg i request tu..sumer tu rambut original yer, xde pun rambut palsu..haaa terkezut x..haha :D ye saye rasa chantek time tu *perasan*.. ;p sayanggggg, jom ler kawen lagi..huhuhuhuuuuuuuu...
pic credit : kak awin + fatin
*fluttering eyelashes*
saye suke pic ni sbb nmpak kurus..hahahaaa *larik*