Okayokaayyyy yeryerrrr sorry2 x update lagi pasal my wedding...
jap arrrr i tgh nak tlg promote my OP nie..boleh laaa yek.... hehehhee.. ;p
Selaku client yg sgt berpuashati, i nak tlg promote salah sorang OP i iaitu, DETIKINDAH.. skang ni dorang tgh buat promo yg superbest... I sgt22222 recommend DETIKINDAH as your wedding photographer, xyah dah carik yg top2 n supermahal yg belum tentu dpt hasil yg memuaskan... i dah dgr byk stories about OP yg top2 (yg cover wedding artist2 n celeb2-package plak mahal giler) f*cked up wedding my frens tau..album sampai nak 6-7bulan baru nak siap, dah tu byk silap, spelling pun silap..hish geram tol.. Ok stop bebels, dah terpesong plak niat sebenar post inih..hehehe..
Mari kita lihat promo yg sgt berbaloi itew..
*taken from*
*raw unedited pic*
sila tgk sampai meleleh airhidung yer..hahaa ;p
sorry encik Ridhuan i tukar pic dari post u..hehehee ;p
In conjunction with the Malaysian Mega Sale which is expected to begin from May till July, Detik Indah Photography also decided to join the fray with our special promotion for our beloved clients and fans out there.
If you’re still unsure about who to hire for your BIG DAY, now we have come forward to convince you that we are the one you should choose. This very limited time offer valid for May & June 2012 weddings, and we only accept 1 client for each available dates. So, think no more, let us know your details and rest assured that this decision will be one of the best you’ve made regarding your wedding for sure!
Available dates:
18, 19,20, 25, 26, 27 MAY 2012
8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24 JUNE 2012
Principal Photographer Package
3 event (nikah+bride+groom)
1 unit 15″ x 11″ Wedding Photobook 100 pages
1 assistant photographer
3 photo slideshow
Outdoor portraiture
Soft copy included
3 event (nikah+bride+groom)
1 unit 15″ x 11″ Wedding Photobook 100 pages
1 assistant photographer
3 photo slideshow
Outdoor portraiture
Soft copy included
Principal Photographer Package
2 event (nikah+bride)
1 unit 15″ x 11″ Wedding Photobook 80 pages
1 assistant photographer
2 photo slideshow
Outdoor portraiture
Soft copy included
2 event (nikah+bride)
1 unit 15″ x 11″ Wedding Photobook 80 pages
1 assistant photographer
2 photo slideshow
Outdoor portraiture
Soft copy included
(The Principal Photographer is Ridhuan Abu Bakar, the founder himself will be attending your wedding. He has about 4 years experience in the wedding photography industry, and you don’t have to worry about our quality standard as he will be the photographer and the editor for your album)
ye betul saye setuju ngan kata2 diatas nie..hehehee.. ;p
To appreciate how our Wedding Photobook looks like:

Contact them now..!! or call directly at 013 3439328 (Jay) to book your dates. Standard Terms & Conditions apply. First come first serve basis