Sometimes, the most simplest of things can make for such interesting displays. Enter...the skeleton key. Little known fact: I am obsessed with skeleton keys. I've had my eye on a Tiffany skeleton key necklace for quite some time now. Hint, hint dear husband of mine ;) Anyways, the skeleton key made a quick appearance on the blog with this creative save-the-date last February, but today I wanted to share some other unique ways you can incorporate the skeleton key into your wedding. I'm sure many of you have seen the skeleton key escort card display (pictured above), but did you know you can also use them in your bouquet, guestbook, and even have skeleton key inspired stationery created? Are you incorporating the skeleton key into your wedding? If so, we want to hear all about it!
Photo credit #1 :: Kate Headley via Ritzy Bee
Photo credit # 2 :: Diana Marie Photography via Elizabeth Anne Designs
Photo credit # 3 :: A Gray Blog
Photo credit # 4 :: Larissa Cleveland via Style Me Pretty
Photo credit # 5 :: Gabriel Harber Photography via Inspired Bride