I absolutely LOVE weddings that are held on "off" days and times. Something about switching it up from the typical Friday or Saturday evening excites me. Not only are "off" days/times extremely cost-effective, but you also have more opportunities to set your wedding apart from the rest. Think: Sunday Brunch! Then, think about all of the amazing delicious treats you could serve your guests...pancakes, anyone?! Sunday brunch weddings are becoming a bit more popular than they were in recent years, but they are still not considered mainstream by any means. I've seen Sunday brunch weddings out West and down South, but haven't seen many up here in the Pittsburgh area. I'm just dying to have a couple interested in a Sunday brunch wedding come my way! Any takers?! :)
More on Sunday brunch weddings coming later this week!
Photo credit # 1 :: One Stylish Bride
Photo credit # 2 :: One Stylish Bride
Photo credit # 3 :: Green Wedding Shoes