Sunday, October 31, 2010

Honeymoon gak yaa??

Honeymoon pasti jadi salah satu bagian dari wedding preparation yang sangat dinanti-nantikan. Siapa coba capeng yang ga pengen honeymoon. Malah kalo bisa pasti pengen ngeskip smuanya dan langsung ke honeymoonnya aja. hahahaha. Gw juga pengen banget tuh honeymoon keliling Eropa, Phuket, atau ke tempat mana aja laah yang romantiss dan nyaman..tapiiii buat gw dan delon, honeymoon ke tempat-tempat yang jauh itu hampir tidak terpikir. Kenapa???? ada banyaaaaaaak alasannya *lebayyy nih capengnya :p*

Alasan pertama adalah budget!! Berhubung gw dan delon tidak berasal dari keluarga jutawan (apalagi milioner), masalah budget sangat jadi perhatian kami. Dan ga enak doonk klo buat honeymoon mesti minta duit dari ortu lagi?hehehe

Alasan keduanya adalah tepat seminggu setelah acara pernikahan gw dan delon yang diadakan tiga hari berturut-turut ini *yang pastinya akan membuat kita tepar*, delon harus menjalani Ujian Akhir Semester. Yaak,,dirinya saat ini sedang mengambil kuliah s2 sambil bekerja. Jadi, ga mungkin rasanya kalau honeymoon ke tempat yang jauh-jauh dan berlama-lama pula. ya kaan??

Yang ketiga adalah apa yaa??udah siih. Alasan yang terpikir cuma dua yang diatas. hahaha. *tanda-tanda capeng yang mulai stress*

Tadinya kita sempet pengen honeymoon sekalian dibarengin pas tahun baru. Tapiiii setelah dipikir-pikir pasti biayanya akan sangat membengkak. Karena itu kan peak season dan hampir semua orang akan memanfaatkan tahun baru untuk berlibur. Pergantian tahun baru 2009 gw, ade', spupu2, dan om-(alm)tante merayakan di Bali dengan jalan darat dan tanpa booked hotel sama sekali. bener-bener modal nekat. Tahun baru 2010 gw dan keluarga besar ke Bandung, nginep diapartemennya om. Dan di dua tempat itu pas tahun baru ramenya naudzubillah deeh, macett dimana-mana.. Ga kebayang klo honeymoon disana..hahaha..kalo ke luar negeri? mampu euyy x_x..kecuali ada yang mau ngasih tiket dan akomodasi gratis **

Sempat berpikir siih untuk honeymoon ke tempat-tempat yang deket dengan Jakarta seperti Bandung atau Anyer. Jadi ga perlu nunggu sampe delon kelar UAS. Tapi belum nemu lokasi yang pas. Ada siih beberapa pilihan yang sepertinya oke, tapi masih dipikir-pikir dan dipertimbangkan matang-matang *kebanyakan mikir siih capengnya..hahaha*..Mudah-mudahan aja bisa terlaksana deh rencana yang ini. Gimanapun juga setiap capeng pasti pengen honeymoon apalagi abis berpusing-pusing ria dengan segala macam persiapan. haha

Hmm kita sebenarnya dapet voucher menginap 1 malam di hotel dari vendor catering, Nikirani, karena kita ambil yang paketan. Tapi masih belum ditanya lagi ini bisanya di hotel mana aja dan ada syarat-syaratnya apa ga. Siapa tau bisa dipake untuk di Anyer atau Bandung atau malah Bali :D.

Anyway, dua website ini cukup membantu gw untuk nyari-nyari paket honeymoon *sekaligus bikin gw makin ngilerrrr*. Mereka adalah Weddingku dan Siapa yau ada yang mau nyari-nyari info honeymoon juga. Atau mungkin kalian punya rekomendasi web lain yang bisa gw kunjungi? boleh lhoo dishare :D

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Couture Wedding Gowns 2010

Many brides tend to wear my mother's wedding gown - - This was their special feel the love between mother and daughter, it also shows the endless ties. As well as emotional reasons, but also because it saved money, this definition has been growing among today's young bride. This definition has been influenced by our culture now, we also use in the future to find a way to preserve a wedding gown is. Couture wedding gown for the first time the same fabric and style, even after years of use can be used in new, stylish exterior. Therefore, I first selected the brand's special naleulwihan gowns, we recommend. Second, I tell you this article here, at the top of your wedding gown preservation to suggest a few ways.

You clean your gown is that it specializes in conservation and the first thing that you can decide. This dress is clean of dust and other marks will help.

Described above in order to complete the first step, your profession and professional dry cleaning must be first. You all dry cleaners to clean a silk gown and a dress that can give good results, remember that. Therefore, the most valuable and expensive clothes, wedding dresses totally unbecoming from everyday clothes to clean, because the dry cleaners does not rely on. Silk and the horrible destruction of the water is not its lining, can cause the reduction of dissolved sequin dress provides expert.

Third important thing to remember in your dress is not to avoid a vacuum sealing. Storage methods are outdated and useless for doing anything good, instead of extending the life of the gown, and in fact have time to fade before it is damaged.

Conservation is the best acid free storage space. It is then carefully cleaned, acid-free cardboard box, reversible coat. Lab coat and your organization the size of a pack that gown in the appropriate box to confirm that. An indication of this method, if any, I'll tell you it was not long lasting. You will need to change the box every 5 years as acid free materials and the professional and the organization will begin to absorb moisture will start to lose a cardboard box, the dress is damaged.

You can put the wedding dress box under the bed is the perfect place. Silk is damaged by high temperatures and wet conditions, the destruction of the basement to the attic Do not Do not.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Where To Find Cheap Wedding Dresses 2010

If you don't want to spend too much more on your wedding dress, read on! There are lots of places, where you might want to spend more money on your wedding. You might want to spend more on a DJ, the reception or get more beautiful flowers. This means cutting on some other expenses, and your wedding dress might be one of them. Don't worry, as you can still purchase a beautiful, elegant wedding dress even if you have a budget.

Here are some ideas for you and some places to look to save money on your wedding dress:

- Your Mother's Wedding Dress. Some brides love the dress their Mom wore when she got married, and choose to use again, when they get married. If you love your Mom's dress, and she is going to let you wear it, you are in luck. All you might have to pay for are some alterations and cleaning, instead of paying for a whole new wedding gown.

- Clearance Racks and Sales at Bridal Stores. Bargains are everywhere; remember to look for them and to ask for them. Many retailers discount items at the stores from time to time, and bridal stores are not an exception. Look for clearance racks at bridal stores, ask about when sales are - you might find out that your perfect dress there is on sale right now!

And do look at the department stores even if you are looking for something a bit more formal. You never know what you can find sometimes.

- Sales and Clearances at Department Stores. Especially if you are looking for informal wedding dresses, department stores might be a great place to look. Sometimes special occasion dresses get discounted a lot, and you can buy a very pretty wedding dress for under $100.

- Online Stores and Sales. Search for wedding dresses online, including online web stores and auctions. Sometimes you can get a much better deal online, then you would ever find at stores.

Good luck with finding that perfect dress. Once you have an idea about the dress that you are looking for, as well as the price range you are willing to pay, you should be able to find that perfect dress.